Friday 1 June 2012

Little Martha

Yes, it is hard to believe but I was a blonde:) long time ago. In this picture you can see 3-year-old Martha. The photo was taken in my backyard, probably by my uncle.
The things that I remember the best from my childhood are hours spent on playing with other children from the neighbourhood, the taste of sweet cherries and the smell of lilacs. It was the most magical period in my life and I wish I could come back to these days when everything was simple...

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Changing the past

So, my task now is to change the past:) It is hard to choose one specific event and I have decided to choose one invention that I would erase from the history.
Have you ever imagined how we would live without an electrical current? We do not pay attention to such things, because it is obvious for us that they exist. But let's think for a while how it would change our lives.
And it is not only about the light:) Almost every machine that we use at home needs the electric current in order to work. If we did not have the electricity we would have to do everything using only our own strength. It sounds rather terrifying, doesn't it?
I suppose that we would come back to other sources of light, like candles or paraffin lamps. We couldn't even go out at night because we would not see anything! Also the traffic at night would be stopped as the drivers did not see one another or the traffic did not exist at all due to the fact that a human cannot create a car without the use of special machines....
Although it seems impossible we would have to live without such facilities like fridge, lift, car, but maybe we would invent something different. I hope that Doctor Who would come and save us:)

Wednesday 21 March 2012

The books about... Poznań:)

The topic of our new assignment didn't seem to be very demanding to me. However, it turned outthat there are so many things which have influenced my life and so many people who had an impact on who I am now that choosing only one topic will be really problematic. Finally, I' ve decided to write about a series of books which bewitched me when I was about 10 years old.

The first book from the series was 'Ida sierpniowa'. The ones who know some of the books written by Małgorzata Musierowicz have probably already guessed the name of  the series I'm writing about. It's 'Jeżycjada', of course. The books describe the life of a family from Poznań living in the block of flats on the Roosevelt Street. The problems mentioned in Musierowicz's works concern mostly our everyday life and love- teenagers' first loves, adults' mature relationships, parental devotion to children, etc.

What have fascinated me the most is a kind of the 'open-house' that the Borejko family has established. People loved to visit their flat and the family was also happy to welcome their friends, acqaintances or even unknown persons.

Definitely, 'Jeżycjada' is not the only factor that had an influence on my coming to Poznań;) Yet, these books brought me closer to this city and to the conccept of an ideal family- the one in which everybody is supported by the rest.

Below you can watch a short interview with Małgorzata Musierowicz:)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Learning the Second Language

I've read some of the posts of my friends from KJO and I totally agree with what they have written. I also believe that not learning the second language is missing one of the opportunities to get to know other cultures or to visit different countries. It is obvious that without the knowledge of a language it will be more difficult to travel as the communication is the only means by which we can survive in a foreign country.

What is more, in my opinion not learning the second language is a sign of being ignorant towards other countries and nationalities. Of course, English became an international language, yet it does not mean that Brits or Americans can rely on somebody else's knowledge of it. In Poland there are still many people who do not speak English, for example those who attended school in the years of comunism.

All in all, although getting to know another language is not easy and requires lots of work it is worth sacrificing our free time.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Beginning

My name is Marta and I start writing my own blog. I'm almost 22 year-old student of  English Philology. This blog is a part of our IT course and basically it will contain some things connected with my life.
That's all for now.